This page contains our brand guide and all the necessary details for the overall visual communication.
Whenever possible, use the primary version of our logo. Always make sure that all the elements are clearly visible. Use the full-color version with grey element on light backgrounds and overall white on dark backgrounds. The alternate vertical lock-up is meant to be used in circumstances where larger emphasis should be made on the logomark.
For other instances where there is no clearly light or dark background, use the monochrome versions of our logo.
The HARDWARIO logo should always be clearly visible. Keep the logo separated from other visual elements by a distance equal to the logomark’s width. This distance is considered the recommended uninterrupted space surrounding the logo and it should be adhered to in most situations.
These are our primary colors. You may apply pure white for backgrounds but never use pure black for texts on them. Instead use the darkest color from this color palette or any other shade of grey except pure black.
107, 106, 106
0, 156, 250
1, 106, 212
6, 54, 122
227, 4, 39
37, 37, 50
45, 0, 91, 11
100, 38, 0, 2
100, 50, 0, 17
95, 56, 0, 52
0, 98, 83, 11
26, 26, 0, 80
Inter is our primary font. It is an evolution of Roboto, font previously used by HARDWARIO. You may easily download it from Google Fonts. Moreover, you may use all its styles but never use more than three styles in a given context. It is suggested that you mostly choose between BOLD/SEMIBOLD/MEDIUM/REGULAR.